OPTED website launched


The OPTED project website is now online. We are looking forward to introducing OPTED, our team, and first results!

The project website https://opted.eu/ is the central information platform to learn about the latest developments within OPTED. The website lays out the aims of the project’s design phase and provides insights into the workings of the operational infrastructure. It furthermore features partner profiles and expertise; information on dissemination and outreach activities.

A lot has already happened since the project started in October 2020 and we are happy to share first results. The website links to all publications and other project reports. Importantly, all deliverables in terms of curated and continuously updated inventories, collections of tools or data, design reports and publications will be openly accessible (either for direct download or linked) on the OPTED website.

The website will represent the project throughout its lifetime and will carry over the work during the design phase into the operational phase.